About Julianna

I’m Julianna–Juris Doctor, Content Creator, & Bride to-be.
I started Bikiniis and Belliniis as a lifestyle blog when I was a 1L, pursuing my J.D. Looking back, I did not expect it to turn into half of what it has become today. I like to think that Bikiniis and Belliniis has grown with me throughout my legal journey. Over the last decade, I’ve gone through many transitions. From a make-up artist, to a student and aspiring lawyer, and to my greatest transition of all–the beginning of my legal career.
I’ve had the wonderful privilege of interning at a top investment management firm during law school, which ultimately sparked my interest to pursue a legal career in the financial services/securities law industry.
My Journey to Law School
Watch How I Went From “Beating Faces” to Briefing Cases on Youtube.